Certificate Declaration

To enroll in a certificate and be eligible to receive the certificate degree at graduation, students must declare their intention to complete the certificate by filing the certificate declaration form. Declare early: this should be done as soon as a student has started the work towards the certificate.

Certificates are open only to students already enrolled as degree seeking students.

The certificates offered are listed on our Degree Programs page.  Filter the degree type by "Certificate."

If you intend to declare a certificate, discuss it with your advisor and program first. Certificate declarations require approval from your degree program, and we will contact them as part of the declaration process.

The process for declaring a certificate depends on whether or not you are currently enrolled in an LGS degree program.

If you are enrolled in an LGS degree program:

The form for declaring a certificate is in the Laney Connect Hub, in the "Enrollment" section. Log in with your Emory credentials and follow the instructions to locate and submit the form.

If you are currently enrolled in a non-LGS degree program:

If you have been accepted into the French or Mind, Brain, and Culture certificate program, first complete their certificate declaration form and then submit it to the Laney Graduate School using this form. You will not be required to log in with your Emory credentials.

Graduating with a Certificate

If you declared your certificate, the process will be easy:

  • if you submit your degree application online, then your certificate degree will be included in the degree application;
  • if you use a paper degree application, remember to write in your certificate on the paper form so we know to process both degrees.

If you did not declare your certificate, your certificate degree will not be processed.